17 Apr

A world of good



15 May

In which I go for a walk… on paper

6 May

In which I go for a walk

2 Jan

A pacific sunset



30 Dec

The ugliest town in Chile

26 Dec

Onto the glacier

24 Dec

Marvelling at the Blue Towers

20 Dec

To cross the Strait of Magellan

17 Dec

A flight to Ushuaia



30 Sep

This is not the longest bus ride in the world

18 Sep

Celebrating Chilean independence

3 Sep

The appearance of organised society

2 Sep

Saying goodbye to Chilean food

26 Aug

Stargazing in Vicuna

24 Aug

Chilean Pisco

22 Aug

The calling of La Serena

8 Aug

Cosplay, art and demonstrations

22 Jul

Castro, the capital of Chiloe

18 Jul

Onto Chiloe

17 Jul

Moar volcanoes