Undiscovered Metz

Four homies
Babak and Benno
The drinker
Happy kid
Walk of life
Three plus two
Nancy youth hostel

Metz is a city you are likely to skip when travelling to France. It's small, and has nothing much going for it. However, it's a nice little town, definitely worth a stopover. Laying on the banks of the river Moselle, the main (there are two of them) city center can be found around the cathedral of Saint-Etienne. A gothic piece of masonry, built from the 13th to the 16th century.

We stopped in Metz for two reasons, the city is on the way to Nancy, and the cathedral was so obviously beckoning us when approaching the city, that, basically, we had no choice but to get a coffee in this capital of the Moselle department. Don't let the fact that the city is a capital mislead you. France is divided in so many districts, that almost every cities with more than 100.000 people is a capital (Metz has about 110.000).

Metz however, is a bit older than you might think. The city had already built up some significance before the Romans conquered France. Not too surprising then, that France's oldest church is situated in Metz, dating from the 7th century.

Doing the obligatory stroll past the city's tourist attractions, on the square in front of the cathedral, we where ushered in to a tent, set up to promote bread. Yes, bread. Our French isn't perfect, and to be honest we didn't listen at all to our guide as he explained all about the 50 or so different types of bread he had on display. After the tour, we thanked him and received, as a token of good luck I guess, a bun. It sucked.

The city has a big and cozy shopping district. In weekends, Germans flock to the city in droves, convinced that goods can be obtained cheaper and that shopping is nicer on the other side of their road.

Nancy: just what you fancy

Nancy, the capital of the French Meurthe-et-Moselle region, lies on the banks of the Meurthe and the Marne-Rhine channel. The first thing you'll notice when driving up to the town, by car or train, is that it doesn't seem to have anything going for it. Fortunately, this is a big misconception.

In Luxembourg, we where able to make a reservation for the hostel in Nancy. Entering Nancy, trying to find a tourist office, from the car, we asked an older babe, where to find the youth hostel. Surprisingly, she knew where to go. The hostel is some 10km from the center of Nancy. Don't think about taking a bus back late at night. You'll have to stay in the city, or take a cab back.

The setting of the hostel is beautiful. Sitting on the side of the hill, the small castle looks into a valley, with a big park all around. Definitely one of the better situated hostels you'll encounter. Just after checking in, we stumbled across a somber looking guy, sitting in front of the hostel, arms crossed, sunglassed, cap, fierce looks. The guy, of course, was Australian. After some good stories of a typical Aussie custom of driving in circles with a truck, towing a small car, trying to top it over, we decided to give the Muppet a ride into town.

The town has quite an impressive range of Art-Nouveau buildings and some nice museums to boot. As specially this year, now that it's 100 years since the start of the 'School of Nancy', 3 major museums run very interesting exhibitions.

When weather permits it, which is quite often, students from one of the universities, the oldest dating from 1572, can be found all around town studying artwork and making sketches of one of the many Art-Nouveau buildings.

The town not only attracts students. When hanging out on the main square, we where not only welcomed by numerous youngsters, trying to flex their verbal muscles in talking English with us (and us not understanding them), but also encountered Sticky. Sticky, as it turned out, was, as they say in France, as old as the highway to Rome and claimed to have served in several armies, ranging from the French, during the war in Angola, all the way back to the Turkish army, when invading Europe in the sixteenth century. In-between jobs, he claimed to survive by driving people around in his double Decker bus. Sticky seemed quite believable. Really.

The people of Nancy enjoy life, and the number of Restaurants and bars prove it. Restaurants are scattered all over town and getting good quality food is not related to the price you pay for it. Sure, the setting might be a bit better, the silverware might be actual silver or the waitresses might be a tad better looking, but in the end, the food is good anywhere you can get it. If you find it on the menu, the 'quiche Loraine' is a definite go!

Encountering a couple of local babes, aged 16 and 17 (we only found that out after they screamed for forgiveness), the friendly young ladies took us to an in-crowd student bar with live artists unable to stop drumming African beats.

When trying to return to the hostel, we discovered that it really is impossible to try and fit seven people and two bicycles in a Mazda 323, so we had no choice but to undress and spray the girls with genuine Champagne (16FF a bottle!) right there in the city center and lick our goodbyes. Dazed, but satisfied we left for our castle.

Nancy is a nice city to stroll through. Featuring a large, friendly park, La Pepiniere, with a free zoo to boot. Other things of interest are the Cathedral and the Notre-Dame de Bon Secours church, from the 18th century, with the mausoleum of Stanislaus Lesczynski, a local hero of the last century.

North of France

Abstract Brussels
Data and Joost

This trip's Tasteless Tacky Tourists are Benno Richters, Joost Hofstede, Harm-Jan Meester and Babak Fakhamzadeh.

Four men, united by their Veto, sometimes travel the European continent in search for enlightenment. Mere weeks before going to Luxembourg et al, they enjoyed France so much, having visited the cote d'Azur in the south, they decided to do the north as well. So, in a four day trip in May 1999, this time staying closer to home, the Masters visited Luxembourg, Metz, Nancy, Reims, Lille and Diksmuide.

Off to see the wizard

So there we were. Waiting in Brussels, poised to go. Only minutes away from a four day alcohol binge. This time looking at a mere 1500km drive, covering six cities in the north of France and north of France.

Featuring only one European capital this time Luxembourg, the start of our journey was an unavoidable stop on our way to France. Definitely the most spectacularly situated capital, Luxembourg is a friendly city with friendly people.

Stopping in Metz on our way to Nancy, both cities are proof that the more to the south you go in Europe, the more people like to enjoy life. As specially Nancy, with its large groups of youngsters 'hanging out' is a nice place to while away the hours.

Still, we were also looking for the 'classical' North of France. The industrialist north has never been known for its friendliness. The cities of Reims and Lille prove that very point. Both ugly, industrialist cities, at least Lille offers very interesting night life.

And then there is Diksmuide. This Belgian city was completely wasted during the first world war. Now, surrounded by war memorials, it reminds the visitor of the aggressive European past.

So, where to start? Well, in Luxembourg of course.


The sleeping capital

The size of an insignificant provincial city, the streets bursting with bigger than life banks and spectacularly located, Luxembourg is one of the more stranger European capitals, providing refuge for a large portion of Belgians and Dutch, trying to evade taxes.

In the gorge between the old city and the new town, we found Luxembourg's youth hostel. Crowded with Canadians, we had a hard time getting through to the reception but we where able to secure a room.

Site seeing is no more than a quick trip around the old town and taking a look at the Casemates, a large underground defense system, where we were able to spent several hours, because of signs not totally agreeing with each other. After that, you can while away the hours in one of the bars in the city center and enjoy the nice and quietness of this European capital.

The start of a good holiday obviously calls for celebration. The four of us and Jack where going for it, until Joost gave out. Refusing his very nice Mexican meal, he opted for praying to the porcelain god during dinner.

The city center and old city, not more than several hundreds of meters across is lively and very friendly by day, the gorge, between the old city and the region around the train station providing for lively scenes by night.

After dinner, while enjoying some nice Bofferding beer in one of the pubs, we enjoyed lap-dances and a real spontaneous striptease by one of the locals. Okay, she was trying to impress her boyfriend, but we had the benefit. Too drunk, he ignored her, and she chose the good Harm-Jan instead. That is, until her boyfriend woke up and started to chase us, pissed and drunk, around the pub. Not being able to catch up with our athletic powers, after some twenty minutes, the nice lady started to go after us as well. She, realizing, that now, her boy was going to be unable to perform during the night.

We walked back to the hostel, being welcomed by the same hordes of Canadians we encountered earlier in the day. This time however, they dwindled down to a couple rapidly and, intoxicated by Jack and too much Bofferding and tired from the physical excersice in the pub earlier on, we where almost witness of a Canadian rape. On our last legs, as real Mounties, I guess, we were able to save the day, slam-dunk the bad guy unconscious and free the babe. She, however, had one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. Next stop: Metz.


The good

Bruxelles for the French, Brussels for the English, this city is characterized by its ‘Burgundian’ people. Translating to something like ‘flamboyant’, it basically means that the Bruxellois eat, drink and party more than their neighbors in the Netherlands or France.

And it suits me fine. Not only could you literally go out for a year, each weekend, without going to the same place twice, but also are there so many different style restaurants, its too easy to get fat during your stay in Brussels. In fact, a year after I came to Brussels, I had gained 6 kg.

But its true. the number of restaurants, bars, cafes, pubs, clubs and discos in the center of town seems to be larger than the number of people living in that same area. Then again, the area needs to cater for an absurd amount of foreigners with shitloads of money. People working for the EU, NATO or one of the many international organizations having its HQ somewhere close to Brussels.

It is a fact that there are more foreigners living in the Brussels area than there are Belgians. Of course, with the large population of Moroccans living in a couple of the suburbs, its not only due to Eurocrats in town.

However, this is less a bad thing as it may seem. Loads of inexpensive – but good – inexpensive eateries exist because of this, making it possible for you not having to blow all your cash on nothing but a meal .

The veggie scene is a whole different ball game however. The number of restaurants that cater for the green-spirited can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Still, even they serve a good grub.

The bad

In a country where a convicted child rapist and killer can walk, unescorted, out of the palace of justice and be free, during the preparations of his trial. In a country where it takes a month for a major food contamination to be made public, after which almost every meat product is taken from the shelves. In a country that has three language regions and six governments. In such a country there must be something fundamentally wrong.

There is. It is something that is an integral part of every Belgian. Something not totally unlike schizophrenic behavior. Every Belgian is either Flemish (Dutch speaking) or Walloon (French speaking). And then, even some only speak German.

Brussels is the only officially bi-lingual part of Belgium. However, the language on the street is French. So it is very common for two Vlamingen to speak to each other in French, without even knowing the other to be Flemish (and Dutch speaking) as well. My landlord spoke French with one of his tenants for years, before finding out the tenant too, was Flemish.

Then there is bureaucracy. Pure madness. Although Belgium is squeezed in between France, the Netherlands and Germany, some consider Belgium to be the most northern Southern European or most western Eastern European country. The former state owned bank ASLK/CGER (everything here has two acronyms, a Dutch one and a French one) up to one year ago had one computer per subsidiary for internal, electronic, communication. I don’t even want to start on the process you have to go through when trying to register as a resident. I mean, the police where able to lose my application forms. Twice.

And the ugly

This heading had to follow, of course. But this one too, is applicable to Belgium.

Particularly the south-eastern part of Belgium, the Ardennes, is riddled with hills or (very) small mountains, resulting in, historically, people sticking to their own valley for the bigger part of their lives. Without reason, the best circumstances for in breeding. And yes, the result is some VERY ugly mother fuckers. But, as it can go as well with in breeding, some VERY beautiful specimens. Big eyed, friendly faced, slender beauties are generally the rule in stead of the exception. At least, in Brussels. Beware, when venturing into the hills.


Some 400 years ago, William of Orange, he who defied the Spanish and around whom the Dutch national anthem is centered, was shot in what is called the ‘Prinsenhof’ (the prince’s residence) in Delft. Two bullet holes in one of the walls still being a silent witness to what happened that long time ago. Since long a time a museum, the place has an exhibition on the former prince. For years, a cartoonist style representation of the shooting reconstructed the course of action on that black day in Dutch history. If you followed the pictures and reviewed the setting, the bullet holes should have been in the wall opposite to where they actually where. It took 12 years for the cartoon to be replaced.

A funny, but true, story for a town that is characterized by its relative large population of technical students. Of its 92.000 inhabitants, 12.000 study at the Technical University of Delft.

Student life is centered around the student organizations. You have to be a member to get in or join in their activities, resulting in some 45% of all students being a member of one of the societies. However, due to more pressure from the government (meaning less money for students), students have to study harder than before and the number of students being a member of one of the organizations is declining.

Forget having a good time in Delft for more than a couple of evenings, if you’re not a member of one of the organizations. Still, its a good thing that Rotterdam, Den Haag, Leiden and Amsterdam are all within short reach.


Nice Asian, nice
Pretty but stoned
One last picture, and time to return home
A city, only for people with a higher IQ
It makes you want to pee!
In Switzerland, the Geneva lake is a beauty
Benno refuses to believe Joost failed. Again.
Joost tries to score. And fails.
Local beauty
A nice garden, close to the church where they keep the Turin shroud
Praying for Torino
Looking across Torino
In color
Would you like to pet my ferret?
Show offs!
Some frolicky Dutch art
Remember that commercial for the Pentium III?
Imagine bumping into this, late at night
To show off our cultural side, a museum
Joost for President!
Always something 2/2
More fountains…
A troop of Americans
In the old town
A city of fountains
Lunch at the seaside
Data enjoys the church
Russian orthodox church
You'll laugh... you'll cry...
An emotional man
Joost cherishes the moment
Data is shocked
A lovely couple
The pose
Little fella. Or girl?
The locals make for an interesting spectacle
Hogo enjoys the sun
Up close and personal
Be cool
He eats
Me! Me! Me! Me!
Hogo tries to understand whether the floor is of good quality
Kiss and make up
Morning in Nice
Sad Data
Happy Data
Sent back
Snow in Brussels

8 countries, 5 idiots, 4 days, 3 cities.

The beauty of Barca

Eating chips
Julia reading up
Some chick
Cutie and a man in hiding
Julia shooting me
Shit happens
For bulls
Somewhere in Barcelona
Somewhere in Barcelona
In Sitges
Jacob and Swati
Somewhere in Barcelona
The Sagrada Familia
Park Guel
In Barcelona
In Barcelona
In Barcelona
Barcelona at night
Jesus or ghost
Park Guel
Sagrada Familia
The Sagrada Familia
The Sagrada Familia
The Sagrada Familia
Barcelona metro
In Barcelona
Getting married in Barcelona
Out of proportion
Jacob and Swati
Jacob and Swati
Sitges beach
Colors in the sky
Pretty colors
Somewhere in Barcelona
In Barcelona
The Sagrada Familia
In the Sagrada Familia
Barcelona at night
Somewhere in Barcelona
The sun is setting
Happily snapping
Old and new
Being fed
Acting up
Sucking the nipple

A two week trip to Barcelona and Sitges.

Midnight train to BXL

From the corner of my eye
That's breakfast for ya
Almost there
Switching trains
Outside the looking glass
Train station
Waiting in Cologne
Under construction
In Duesseldorf
Pretty it ain't
Babak, just woken up
Getting a drink
Babak, sleepy?
In darkness
Almost naptime
From below
Three's company
Almost there
One quick call
Border or ticket control
Before the night
Out of the window
Three, with beer
Border control
Warsaw to Cologne
Just waiting
Babak and a small beer
Still working
Open spaces
Double work
Getting ready
From a distance
From above
All together now
That's everyone right there
In the doorway
From below
Taking up space
In the hallway, waiting
Waiting and drinking
Just checking
Purple does it
Eyes closed
Drinks and cigarettes
On the run
In control of the drinks
A smoke
A laugh
A tongue lashing
Cute chick with her mouth open
Zombie attack
Young laugh
Nice eyes, wet nose
Punk is not dead
A crowd
Older gentleman
On the road for what?
Coming through
Taking up the hallway
Very cool
Almost not
Movement in arms
Long and down
What state?
One seat
Big smile
Ready to check
Already tucked in
Two in bed
Just reading
Just there
Just in time
A jockey
A jockey's girlfriend

On one of my business trips for Procter & Gamble, in January 1999, to Warsaw, Poland, getting back to Brussels, the place where I lived, was prohibited by very bad weather all over Europe.
No planes were flying anywhere. Together with a couple of colleagues, we took a train all the way back to Belgium. This is the phototour of that trip.

Note (January 2008): I moved the photos to Flickr and this page to inside my blog. It's interesting to see that, in fact, this 'project' was something of a precursor to a later project of mine, Portreat.
Also, the camera which I used was the digital camera of a colleague of mine (also on the train). It ate batteries like cats eat fish. In order to get as many photos on the camera as possible, I shot at the lowest resolution (VGA) and the highest compression. Hence the crappy quality.

What I saw in Warsaw

Warsaw stairs
Hotel staircase
Hotel stairs
Warsaw skyline
Somewhere in Warsaw
Palace of Science and Culture
Palace of Science and Culture
Palace of Science and Culture
Palace of Science and Culture
Palace of Science and Culture
Palace of Science and Culture
Warsaw's old town
Somewhere in Warsaw
Somewhere in Warsaw
Somewhere in Warsaw
Warsaw opera
Warsaw at night
Warsaw at night
Warsaw at night
Warsaw at night
Somewhere in Warsaw
A palace
A statue
On foot
Warsaw park
Palace of Science and Culture
King Lear
Changing of the guard
Changing of the guard
Changing of the guard
Street in Warsaw
Somewhere in Warsaw
Somewhere in Warsaw
Play me a tune

It was January 1999 and I had to spend a week of 'fun' in Warsaw, work related. I had gone there on a number of occasions, but this was the first time I was going to stay there longer than two nights. Not that it bothered me, not at all. I, generally, like business trips and this was no exception. It gave me a bit of time to relax, on the company's expense account. What more would you want?

It was a very cold January and I was glad I had brought mittens and a cap to keep me a little bit warmer, during the time I could walkabout the city streets. One of the things I encountered was a changing of the guards at the war memorial in the center of Warsaw.

Besides the quite impressive 'Palace of Science and Culture', Warsaw is also well known for its parks. The city has two very large and impressive parks. Unfortunately, in winter, they're rather 'cold', but still very nice for the palaces that can be found in them.

As in many Eastern European cities, when rightly lit, the already impressive buildings that are littered around the city, become even more impressive at night. And specially the old town of Warsaw, which was totally bombed during world war 2, but also completely rebuilt afterwards is very nice to walk through, either during the day or during the night.

Some of the pictures are of the Palace of Science and Culture at night. Being the tallest building in Warsaw and, formerly, used by state bodies, it was famous for its suicides. During the day, in the building, employees would start drinking (vodka of course) and would, when disillusioned just a little bit more than regular, throw themselves of the top of the building at the end of the day.

The building, a gift from Stalin, in recognition of the hardships the Poles had to endure during the 'Great Patriotic War', is a 'relative' of the seven sisters in Moscow.

For some strange reason, one of the things that's easily begotten in Warsaw's old town is art. Yes art. Scattered all over the place are artists, or self proclaimed artists, selling everything from paintings to sculptures to drawings to… I always wonder what they do with the stuff when it rains. They simply can not keep everything dry, can they.

Paris with Christmas

Julia, flying high
Doing a Marilyn
Going... up?
Christmas in Paris
Le Sacre Coeur
On the streets
Stop! Thief!
Julia posing
Cemetery statue
Dead and gone
At Jim Morrison's grave

It's December 1998. I had started working for Procter & Gamble half a year earlier and also had moved from Rotterdam to Brussels. My then-girlfriend even moved in with me shortly after I had set up shop in the capital of Europe.

To my surprise, this capital was a very pleasent surprise. A friendly and diverse nightlife, internationally oriented and French quality restaurants at affordable prices.

However, our Christmas was going to be spent in Paris. With quite a bit of luck, we still found a nicely priced hostel with terrible breakfast but reasonable beds. And the weather was bad. really bad.

I guess we had hoped for snow, or at least a winter 'atmosphere'. But instead, it was autumn, through and through. Then again, I guess Paris with Christmas is still worthwile. Mainly because, I guess, its always worthwile.

We didn't do any of the standard tourist attractions, though. We just chilled mostly. Drank coffee in small cafes, enjoyed French and foreign food in tiny restaurants, laughed at the tourists (looking in mirrors) and visited Jim Morrisons grave, where it was forbidden to take pictures.

At Versailles, we only visited the gardens since the line of people waiting to get in the palace was just tooo long.

Holy mount

A boat
Julia in front of Mont Saint-Michel
Mont Saint-Michel
Julia and the Ka
Inside Mont Saint-Michel
From Mont Saint-Michel
From Mont Saint-Michel
Mont Saint-Michel
Inside Mont Saint-Michel
Julia sticking her tongue out
From Mont Saint-Michel
Mont Saint-Michel
Inside Mont Saint-Michel
Mont Saint-Michel
Mont Saint-Michel at sunset
Mont Saint-Michel at sunset
Mont Saint-Michel at sunset
Inside Mont Saint-Michel
Mont Saint-Michel at sunset
Mont Saint-Michel
Somewhere in France
Mont Saint-Michel

The village on the mount is Le Mont Saint Michel and quite a tourist hotspot but, it has to be said, very impressive.

We visited a couple towns in the vicinity of the holy mount.

Wonderful weather, great villages, a relaxed weekend.

pictures of Egypt

Pyramids of Gizeh
The streets of Iskandria
Preparing a kibda sandwich
Shopping on the Mediterranean
How's that for size?
Behind bars
Stairway to hea... no wait
Cairo skyline
And that's just for washing your hands
Cairo skyline
I missed the bus
Innocence lost
The last Iranian king's grave
Through the door
Sunset over Gizeh
Riding camels in Gizeh
Downtown Alexandria
You know it's bad when they plant a mosque in your backyard
Who's in?
Doing an aeroplane
Cairo's history museum
Living in style
Sailing home
Tutankhamen's mask
Tutankhamen's chair
Always believe in your soul
The brothers
Cairo's history museum
The square
Women in Koptic Cairo
Two brothers
What a group
To be trusted
Look at the size of that thing
Relative size
Ain't he cool
Group shot
Showing off
Cairo skyline
The boys

Just before I started working for Procter & Gamble, I went to Egypt together with a good friend of mine. Not only did we get mightily sick from drinking too many fruit juices, it also was a lot of fun.

We visited both Cairo and Iskandria, that is, Alexandria.