(No) vindication

There’s a pub quiz on Thursdays in the ‘UN Irish pub’, here in Chiang Mai. So far, we’ve tried in twice and on both occasions didn’t do too badly. Then again, our asses were kicked on both occasions by teams who did much, much better. So we figured we’d try out the Tuesday quiz at ‘The Olde Bell’. Certainly more mellow, we were unpleasantly surprised when three of the stronger teams from the Thursday also turned out to participate here.
Again we didn’t do too bad. But we came in last.

And I’ve been vindicated a tiny little bit. The local newspaper Delft op Zondag, in which, incidentally, I’ve by now been mentioned several times, most recently in relation to my trip to Afghanistan, ran a small article mentioning that the planned online database with public art in the Dutch city of Delft had already been ‘done’ on my website Beeldenstad.net.

In the words of Cuba Gooding Jr.: “Show me the money!”

Google docs overhaul

I’m an avid user of Google docs, to the point where I practically never use a desktop office suite anymore. Already years ago I moved from MS Office to OpenOffice.org, but for the last year or so, I ‘ve been all over Google’s office suite.

Last night, I was working on a document in Google docs. Just now, I was going to continue and found the Google docs interface completely changed. It’s smokin’!
But still no presentations (like Powerpoint).

Related:  You are always on my mind