A curling morning

Every month, my former student organisation Veto organises some sort of activity. Although this quite often ends up being nothing but a couple of drinks at the local pub, today we went curling in Utrecht. You know, like bowles or petanque on ice.

Although it was quite expensive, 25 euros per person for a two hour session, it was also quite a bit of fun. However, I wasn’t really happy with the 8:45 starting time, on a Saturday morning.
Afterwards, we had a bagel brunch at Bagels & zo. Nice.

Driving back, just before dropping Jim off at home, he was called by Dillip, a Surinamese friend of his. He was stuck somewhere on the edge of Rotterdam with a can of gas, where his van only took diesel. We had to stop by and I had to poor the gas into my car so that he could re-use the can to get diesel at the nearby gas station.
As we were waiting, another car stopped with another friend of Dillip’s. There we were, standing on the side of a busy road with three cars, minding our own business. For a couple of seconds, I felt like being in Suriname.

Related:  Memories