Trains and coffee

In Recoleta
La Recoleta
Hey stranger
La Recoleta
La Recoleta
Party time
A woman and her dog
La Recoleta

That there is hope for post colonial rail transport is exemplified by Argentina. Besides the suburban trains, several of the long distance connections have been recently or are in the process of being, refurbished. And the major train stations are fin de siècle bliss.
And rail transport is terribly cheap. A sleeper for two for the 15 hour ride from Buenos Aires to Cordoba, some 700km away, and including breakfast, is a mere 30 euros, at the official exchange rate, a mere 20 at the street rate.

But, the trains are also terribly popular. I wanted to buy a ticket three days ahead, any ticket, only to be told that tickets, all tickets, are typically sold out some two months in advance.


Where Brazilians seem to be more utilitarian towards their coffees and snacks, Argentines appear more snobbish, or classy, if you will.
Brazil's many snack bars and cafés are no-nonsense affairs, where much is consumed standing up at the bar. Every cafe constantly keeps coffee on the boil in huge thermoses, for instant consumption. Not considering this 'proper' coffee, though probably the most widely consumed version, these are called cafezhino, and can be as cheap as half a Real, about 15 cents on the euro.
The argentine version of this is served by roving baristas, that is, somewhat shabby, mostly, men, pushing around a shopping cart with an array of small thermos bottles and, often, cookies or sandwiches. Their coffees, go for 5 or 6 pesos, about 50 cents on the euro at official rates.

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