Spam and dance

I’m working on getting the pictures and stories from our trip to Namibia online. Patience.

Meanwhile, my spam folder on Google mail holds 3000 intercepted spam messages. It’s just not funny. Well, almost. One spam mail held sheer poetry:

We’ll hand you out to dry.
Strong as an ox.
Your ass is grass.
Sweet as apple pie.

Slow as molasses in January.
To live from hand to mouth.
Throw pearls before swine.
Speak softly and carry a big stick.

Stand your ground.
Say it with flowers.
You have to separate the chaff from the wheat.
Raking it in.

Save it for a rainy day.
Red as a beet.
Through the grapevine.
Your in hot water.

Rise and shine.

Tools of the trade.


Meanwhile, a friend sent me a link to a video of a young fellow doing a crazy freestyle on a Pump It Up machine.

more spam

And maybe Zuma isn’t all that sure about his actual innocence. Ms Zuma just sent me an email:

Dear Beloved,
I am wife of Sacked Deputy President of South
Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma.
It is out of desperation that I am sending you this
mail. My Husband and I need your assistance in
fronting for us as owner of funds that are his which
might come under investigation soon if the fund’s
ownership is not changed soonest. As my Husband’s
finances are increasingly becoming the source of
investigation by our distractors.
The source of these fund’s which my Husband earnings
would not validate, will further sink him into the cesspool
dug by our enemies.
It is because of the dire strait we find ourselves
that we resolved to reach you and ask for your
assistance in this matter.
We are averse to letting those we know here into
this deal because we are no longer sure of who our
friends are. You will be handsomely rewarded if you
choose to help us partnerhip in this project.
I will be expecting to hear from you and will
disclose further details to you upon your response.
Do well not to disclose the contents of this mail to
Best Regards,
Mrs.S Zuma.

Related:  ‘The end of an era’