Photomarathon, a city walk and Chinese new year

The glass ceiling: hard to crack
Metropolis Johannesburg
Metropolis Johannesburg
We stand on our leaders
Downtown Johannesburg
Downtown Johannesburg
Downtown Johannesburg
But... which one?
Magic tricks
Getting ready for the next magic trick
Magic trick
Long legs?
Raj retailer
Dred locks
Art deco building in downtown Johannesburg
Down the street
The hand knows who you are
No guns or weapons allowed
No guns or weapons allowed inside please
Finding none, he burned to death
Two windows
Laundry waiting to dry
Downtown Johannesburg
Downton Jozi
Many windows
One boy in the window
Hanging out laundry
Johan Gustavsson
Joubert Park
Jozi street
Looking down on creation
Ismail Farouk
We are family
Going for a walk
Ready for a war cry
The boogeyman
Smack in the face
Let me stand next to your... fire
At the Obert contemporary
Hungry... can't speak... must eat...

Last Saturday saw the first African photomarathon, in Jo'burg and, together with Bronwyn and Rat from The Bag Factory and Ismail Farouk, I was one of the organizers.
It was quite a success, 69 photographers started the 12 hour marathon and only three bowed out before the end of the day. And not one because he was shot.
Two follow up events are set for this Saturday, a panel discussion, and March 15, opening of the exhibition and the prize ceremony.

Saturday evening, after all was over, I was feeling terrible. I thought it was simply because I was getting old and can't handle actually working hard, any more, but then Betsy realised I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. And, indeed, I wolfed down some chow and felt much, much better.


A relaxed Sunday later, we had a tough night ahead as, earlier, I had won tickets to a red carpet event, here at Montecasino, where the Oscar ceremony was going to be shown on a huge cinema screen, followed by a champagne breakfast.
Most winners were quite predictable and, for the first time in many years, it was again mildly interesting to see this incestuous circle jerk.

City walks

Earlier, in fact a few weeks earlier, I went on two city walks with Ismail. One was organized and took us through the area around the Drill Hall, the venue of the infamous Treason Trial. The other took us from The Bag Factory to the Carlton Center, scouting a route for the Photomarathon, one week later.

The year of the pig

Yeah, we also got assaulted by fireworks wielding Chinese in Jo'burg's Chinatown during Chinese new year's celebrations.

Related:  Things are not what they seem, or are they?