I can hear you shiver with antica…

It’s Betsy’s birthday next week, when she’ll be turning a decent 28, I think. So this weekend I took her out to the theatre and not just any theater. The Rocky Horror Show.
Sure, we had to drive to the tiny town of Alsdorf, just across the border from Heerlen, in the far south of the Netherlands, but it was worth it.

If you know anything about Rocky, I don’t have to explain. If you don’t, well, I can’t. We dressed up, got the gear and had a blast. Frank-N-Furter was spectacular and the show was GOOD. Most folks hadn’t a clue what was going on, but some in the audience were dressed in style, including a post-makeover Magenta.
After the show, so tired, we dragged ourselves through a donner place to enjoy, more or less, the spiciest donner EVER, before crashing at our Formule1 hotel room back in Kerkrade.

Saturday, chillin, we started with a tour of ‘de Katakomben‘ in Valkenburg, built by the architect Dr. Cuypers (well known in Amsterdam), and a copy of the most important catacombs in Rome.
After that, beer guzzling at the Alfa breweries in the tiny village of Thull.

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