Gains and losses

Waking up, looking out of my window and watching the bright morning sun bathing the Afghani mountains in clear sunlight, I felt happy coming back. True, I hadn’t landed yet, and the view of an other airplane seemingly not even a kilometer away, also flying to Kabul, felt like a statement that, really, everything was still possible. Including a premature landing or crash.
Although there were many seats still left on the flight from Istanbul to Kabul, I couldn’t confiscate one of the four seaters, meaning I had two seats to try and get some sleep in. I arrived knackered.

I landed and was happy; The weather was good, clear and sunny, with a nice fresh breeze coming from the mountains, and I used this to my advantage, when later on the day, I spent some two hours on a bench in our garden, in the sun, taking a well-deserved nap.

I’ve moved houses. The upside is that I now can actually take a shower (assuming there’s a hot water), the downside is we don’t have satellite TV nor is the DVD player working.
On the other hand, my new roommates, Lev and Lyn, both working for DACAAR, have a cook who shows up five days a week to make an evening meal. Good shit.

There’s talk of yesterday there having been an attempted suicide bomb at the Intercontinental and today, while snoozing on the porch, I heard what I could only classify as a bomb. I AM concerned. Not yet worried, concerned.

Related:  A small epiphany