Do they float?

On Reforma
Cine Latino
Templo Major
Trotski's house
Dancing kings and queens
Victory column
Mexican flag on the Zocalo
In white
Super duper
Gum tree
Say what?
Nice position, lady
With Che
Babak and Rouzeh
What to do?
For sale
On the edge
Dead tree
Ancient calculator
Hanging the bear out to dry
On water
Floating around
In Xochimilco
In Xochimilco
Stairs to nowhere
Twisted church
Death cult

On Rouzeh’s last full day we headed down to the tourist trap which are the floating gardens of Xochimilco. You get to hire a boat, pushed around by a guy with a large stick and traverse some of the 180 kilometers of canals, being accosted by shops on boats, beer sellers, mariachis and whatnot.
It’s nice, but not that nice.

Then, on my last day, I went down to see both Frida Kahlo’s house, which wasn’t too bad, but had very little and not very impressive art by Frida, and Leon Trotski’s house, which also wasn’t too impressive, but does house the tomb of the great thinker.
At Trotski’s house, I was struck by how time the passing of time trivializes everything. The man was so much the subject of persecution because of his supposed risk for the Soviet Union (well, Stalin) and now, most people will not even recognize his name.

I finished off with a visit to the Spanish culture center, just behind the Zocalo, followed by a visit to El Angel, the independence column.

Related:  Sights of Mexico City