Art, koninginnedag and Hello Kitty

Obama: the winning spirit
Interesting wheelchairs
Chickie reading
The long nose
Giving me the eye
High five!
Breaking the chains
Shake your booty!
The Lusaka museum sign
One beer please
Death by stealth
The numbers game
Handling well
Open up
Too serious?
The vixen will see you now
Look Niamh, your hair is dancing!
A car in the yard
In the eye of...

Niamh and I hopped over to the National Museum of Zambia mid April, where the Lechwe trust was having an exhibition of Zambian contemporary art. Some of it was really good.

And, at the end of the month, the Dutch ambassador was so kind as to invite us to his house. Us, together with a few hundred others, of course in celebration of the birthday of the queen. We had a most lovely infused evening, with no shortage of bitterballen and raw herring.

Meanwhile, I’m back in Dar. Now, at Lusaka airport, I was asked for my yellow fever vaccination twice. Last time I entered the country, I had to sneak past the medical controls at Dar airport because I *thought* I didn’t have proof of vaccination with me. Now, no one bothered to even ask me.
To compensate, there’s a World Economic Forum in Dar at the moment, for which many of the roads are blocked in the morning and afternoon. It’s now pleasantly quiet on the roads!

Niamh and I had Hello Kitty underwear made which is really cute. They’re the perfect HHH shorts and are the result I ended up with the hash shit last night. Now that Niamh and I can’t make our weekly trips to see the kitty Boots at Kafue’s supermarket, that’s all the pussy I’m getting over the next five weeks.
That, followed by quiz night at the Irish made for an excellent start of two more months in Dar.


j-walk will be on show at the online exhibition of Open Space/Singapore/Southeast Asia. Woop!

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Obama: the winning spirit

Obama: the winning spirit