Seven eyes

I recently spent a short week on the Azores, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Most of my time was spent in the lovely little town of Angra do Heroismo, which is also a World Heritage Site.

As some would say, I fell with my nose in the butter, meaning that my stay was highlighted by a series of events related to World Poetry Day. This included exhibitions, concerts, and a seven day Photomarathon.

Less conventional, in that this Photomarathon ran for seven days. With, at midnight, all participants receiving next day’s assignment via WhatsApp, having to submit their work before 8pm that day.

Just now, compiling my submissions, I realised I made a significant mistake, misreading the second day’s assignment, thinking it was ‘7 eyes’, instead of the actual theme, ‘water’.

I very much liked the concept of the event being very spread out, and that communication happened via WhatsApp. It made participating very easy.
On the other hand, this also completely dropped the social aspect of the event. Anyone could be participating, but you could have no idea who.

Possibly, a good addition would be to, every night, at deadline, suggest participants to meet at a fixed place. A bar, or perhaps the theater that organised this event.

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