Out in the cold

The day started with a ceremony where both the bride and the groom were to get something of a yellow facial. Be it that the facial was to be all-body. In the past, this cleansing skin-scrub would happen over a period of multiple days and I am sure there’s some connection with an old tradition of removing all body hair from the bride before the wedding.

Next was the start of the sports competition between the Anne (bride) and Sukbhir (groom) camps. First a camel race, then a game of soccer. Not pact of the Official competition, we continued with a game of pool-basketball .

In the evening, a rather long ceremony involving lots of singing, first by the women from the groom’s side, followed by the women from the bride’s. The leading lady on the groom’s side should have considered a career far away from any microphone. The ladies from the bride’s side should have considered not singing at all.
After this, gift giving. From the guests to the parents of the groom. But also from the groom’s family to all the guests at the party. Sarees where handed out to some, I received some incense.
Finally, dinner, outside, cold. Later drinks and dancing in the disco. Tired to bed at two am

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