Milano moda

In Milan
That's a lot for one truffle
No sex with dogs
Betsy, basking
On film
In Milan

Back in Milano, we checked out the city a little bit more, before enjoying yet another aperativo.

We first visited the magnificent main train station. Franco had a lot of faults, but his taste for architecture wasn't one of them.
Next, we visited the Castello Sforzesco where that same evening, the season's first major catwalk show was going to be held. Of course, even though we saw them build up the catwalk, we had to read it in our own newspaper back home, the next day.
For some reason, the castello seemed to be a hotspot for marrying Chinese couples.

Later, after joining up with the newly-weds, we checked out the shopping district. That is, shopping for the likes of Paris Hilton. Wallets for 8500 euro, watches for over 20.000 euros and a kilo of mushrooms for only 4500 euros. We laughed, enjoyed the Milano moda and went for food and drinks.

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