Japan Experience – Death of a Samurai

We had wanted to sleep late, but were kicked out at 10am. We had no choice but to enjoy Edinburgh. Neha, suffering from the expenses of the weekend, decided to go shopping. Joost, Betsy and myself walked around town a bit more, down the Royal Mile, to the new parliament.

In the afternoon, we met up again to see the last show on our list, Japan Experience – Death of a Samurai by Afro13. This was one fantastic show.
A Japanese group of performers, with only very limited knowledge of English (“Don’t forrow me”, “I rov you”, etc) had created a fast paced, adrenaline packed show that felt like 100% anime. The visual tricks they used and the speed at which they performerd, weaving scenes together and showing continuous action, were so entertaining I had an emotional high for hours afterwards.

Next was our drive to Falkirk, a pretty village some 40 miles north of Edinburgh.

Related:  Carnival