Dance, baby!

Czechoslovakia had Musha, Brussels had Horta, Glasgow had Mackintosh. Art Nouveau can be found all over Glasgow and, reputedly, Mackintosh finest creation is the Glasgow School of Art.
Betsy and I walked around the building to enjoy the basics, Joost and Neha went on a tour while we went to the Gallery of Modern Art.

Back in South Africa, Betsy and I had gone crazy about ‘Dance Revolution’, an arcade dancing game where you have to, well, dance. I knew the game was available for the PS2, and had already been surprised at the fact that it’s nearly impossible to buy it in the Netherlands.
So we had conspired to buy it in the UK. We hadn’t, yet, easily found a place selling the game and the necessary dance-mats. But today, walking around Glasgow, we had plenty oppertunities to shop. And so we did.

We were able to get on the plane and had dinner in Brussels to avoid the traffic congestions during rush hour. Da Kao, everyone’s favorite Thai restaurant has moved around the corner and has gone slightly upmarket. The food has become even better, so it’s worth it.
Before the day was over, Betsy and I had already started to dance the night away. Our performance was so refreshing.

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