
Wat Chiang Yeun, old Burmese gate
Wat Chiang Yeun, old Burmese gate
Filled dumplings
Kebabs at 5 baht (0.10 euro) each
Thai dancer
Sweat to death
Carrying the dead golden man
Carrying the dead golden man
Looking up
Nice motor
Dragon attack
There is no saturating the fire with fuel
Wat Phra Singh
Yellow flag
Spicey chicken soup with coconut
Three buddhas
High and dry
Black buddha
In the window
Nice lips
I am dragon, hear me roar
Just relaxing
Burmese gate

Coming back from Spicey, a club in Chiang Mai where surprisingly few local chickitas were trying to sell themselves, if any, but where foreign tourists were having the upper hand, we drank booze by the bucket load, literally, meaning that after a day of hashing and drinking, I was mildly intoxicated when walking home. Okay, okay, totally wasted. Stumbling the short route back to my hotel, at the back of my head, something didn't feel right which later, I realised was the same motor driving past me several times in short succession.
The last time he did, the guy on the motor grabbed my camera bag but because I had the strap over my head, he was unable to take it away. I fell on the ground and was dragged along for what felt like seconds. Immediately, I started to scream and I tried to grab the guy and drag him down from the motor. But without luck. Bruised and battered, I got up and shouted a few more insults before heading to my hotel room.

Hash and tourism

The morning I spent as a typical tourist, taking in some of the sites. But I also visited the Computer Plaza, where laptops are quite cheap, but memory cards are very expensive. In the afternoon, went for a run with the Chiang Mai Hash, just outside of town. In the woods, it was extremely humid.
Most of this crowd consisted of older men who also had their younger (local) girls with them, on the run. You get the picture. Here, I talked a lot with a Dutchman, who had now been living in Chiang Mai for close to a year. In Holland, he ran a garden centre in the town of Veenendaal. But only after first serving in the navy, the Amsterdam police and as a bodyguard. While working for the Amsterdam police, he claimed that one of his informants was de zwarte cobra (The Black Cobra) and that he's been on TV in crime reporter Peter R. de Vries his TV show. He also claimed that, when serving in the navy, he fought the Soviets on Africa's western seaboard, in order to stop them from installing nuclear weapons there. This was to have occurred in the early 1970s.
More spectacular, as late as last year, he fought in Afghanistan, as a mercenary, hired by an English 'lord', where he was commanding 20 Vietnamese. Planting intelligent bombs with cameras, only going off when the camera detects enough people in the area, half his team died on this mission but were picked up by 'cleaning crews'.
Surprisingly, the man sounded truthful.

Related:  Walking around Saigon

The same Dutchman also told me about a few Thai concepts. The first is 'kik', or fuckbuddy. The second was 'mirnoi', or second wife. Gotta love those Thai.

What's for dinner in Thailand? Part 9

There's been quite a few good meals over the last few days. On Saturday, I shared a large buffet dinner with fellow hashers from the Chiang Mai Saturday Hash House Harriers. Sunday was tough, recovering from my hangover and scratches and I only had a few small snacks from the Sunday market.

Finger mouse

During my last year at university, I had a mind fart on a mouse attached to your index finger with the buttons integrated, for your thumb to click on. Mind you, in my mind's eye, it was small and pretty, but someone has now created a prototype.