Asking the specialists

Inside the Berkeley university library
From the Campanille

After missing breakfast, I headed out to Berkeley, where the University of California has more Nobel prize winners than you can shake a science curriculum at.

In Berkeley, just across the bay from San Francisco, you can also find the Cafe Mediteraneum, which claims to be the place where the cafe latte was invented in the 1950s. Whether that’s true or not, their sandwiches are very decent.
And there’s also a Revolution bookstore, where I had an interesting chat with David (“Daveed”) on the future of communism and the benefits (or not) of a communist revolution, though his and his colleague’s fascination for Stalin where a bit unhealthy.
Indeed, this chain of bookstores are, in a way, the party offices of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.

In the evening, I headed down into SoMa (South of Market), to the Axis cafe, where Zeke Kossover did a show called Ask a scientist. A bit like doing science-based ‘magic’ tricks. The place was packed and everyone loved it, as if Zeke was a bit of a celebrity.

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