Zim invasion

Black and white

The previous evening, we had a quiet drink with a bunch of (white) Zimbos also living in or around Inhassoro. Strangely, Inhassoro seems to hold an enclave of Zimbos coming from Marondera. Over the last 10 years or so, first slowly, but faster and faster, white Zimbabweans have been leaving the country to set up shop elsewhere. Lately, the farmers going to Nigeria, Zambia and other countries in Africa have gotten lots of attention. The ones that set up shop elsewhere, don’t do farming, but appear to double the local economy in only a couple of years don’t get noticed that much.
These are hard working people, who know how to manage a business and have access to funds. No wonder they do well all over Africa. And as far as supporting the locals goes, these are also people who have been kicked off their properties, their livelihoods, and were stripped of their assets. They are taking care of numero uno, themselves.
I tried to get these people talking about their Zim years, but all I got was blank stares suggesting they were looking at someone, or something, from another planet.

Related:  Zim-Zim at Kariba