Ye olde comics

I got rid of my comics, both Dutch/Belgian and American. Though many are selling for quite reasonable amounts online, selling them at reasonable prices to those who are selling them for these reasonable prices turns out to be near impossible as there doesn’t really seem to be a market for them. One quote I got for American comics was 5 to 10 CENTS per copy. These are comics that, at the time, that is the late 80s to mid 90s, had a cover price of between 2.50 and 4.00 USD, which would mean significantly higher prices on this side of the pond.

Dutch comics only fair slightly better, most, even hard covers in excellent condition, still go for a relative pittance.

If I had the time, I’d sell my collection either through, which now, just like Amazon has been doing for years, allows customers to sell their own second hand goods through their site, or the well designed, where prices are really way to high, meaning it would be easy to undercut the ‘established’ shops.
All I’d need is time. Which I don’t have.

I got rid of my Kuifje (Tin Tin for most) comics, Lucky Luke, Trigie, Storm, both by Don Lawrence, the wonderfully surreal Philemon (visit this fansite to get an idea), my collection of Moebius, the quite funny but aging Vuillemin and a number of individual comics.

American comics I got rid of included Terminator, Aliens, Predator, Lobo and a host of crossovers.

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