What one Khomeini buys you

The current exchange rate is around 9500 Rial for a dollar or 11700 for a euro. 10000 Rial, also 1000 Toman, is one of the largest notes in Iran and is also called 1 Khomeini. It gets you…

– A private taxi ride of a few kilometres.
– More than half a litre of freshly made pomegranate juice.
– A long distance bus ride of around 100 kilometres.
– A water melon.
– Around 125 grams of almonds.
– About 1 hour behind a computer in an internet cafe.
– Six to ten good cups of tea from a road side stall, but not even one coffee from the artsy cafes in one of Tehran’s malls.
– A decent sized sandwich with a bottle of dugh (a salty yoghurt drink) at a burger place.
– Two tickets to see the Eman mosque in Esfahan, probably the most beautiful mosque in the world.
– A shared taxi ride of around 50 kilometres.
– Some 10 rides on the Tehran metro.
– A night on the roof in the Silk Road hotel in Yazd.
– 12.5 litres of petrol.

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