Warm weather

Celebrating the queen’s birthday on Saturday, we tried to catch a glimpse of her at Scheveningen, were she was supposed to show up.
It appears she did, but we didn’t notice.

We DID enjoy several good games of Dancing Stage Fusion, which finally has made it to the game hall inside the Palace Promenade. Well, only, what, five years after its introduction.
Betsy and I kicked a little bit of ass, but this one slim pre-teen kicked a lot.

Today, we did some chillin’ at the Delftse Hout, where Data had a lot of trouble finding Benno, Betsy and myself, lounging on the grass, taking sneak peeks at the boobs around us.
Afterwards, Vahid and Karen showed up for dinner, where Betsy tried another of her interpretations of Afghani pilau. She did very well, indeed.

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