The President’s Volunteer Service Award

While I was away in Zimbabwe, back here in the Netherlands, a package arrived for me from The White House (this is no joke, yes, The White House in Washington D.C., USA).
Inside, there were some letters and a pin with the text 'USA Freedom Corps' (in the 'old' days, did this use to be 'USA French Corps'?) and some letters.

Some choice quotes from the letters:

"Through service to others, you demonstrate the outstanding character of America and help strengthen our country."

"I encourage you to ask your friends, family, and colleagues to join you in serving your community and our Nation (sic.)"

"… you served your community and your country with distinction."

"And thank you for demonstrating the best of the American spirit."

One of the letters was signed by what could have been Dubya's autograph. Another was signed by everyone's favorite space hero John Glenn.

After browsing through the documents, I gagged and threw the garbage away.

If you're wondering, I got this for my work in Mongolia.

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