The hardest part is over

Last Friday, we were finally given our certificates for completing the ‘uitburgerings cursus’ at the HKI. All participants, as something of a jest, were given titles in relation to their personal characteristics. This, as it seems, is something they do every time a course finishes and this time they had chosen the theme of ‘Duurzaam Bouwen’, or Sustainable Constuction. Betsy got to be cork, I got to be titanium. I liked that.

In honor of our two facilitators, we decided on giving them a small present. This ended up being a birthday calender I constructed over the weekend. The entry at with all the pictures from that calendar can be found here.

Although the course was interesting, 9 hours a day for three weeks tends to get tiring. I’m happy that next week I only have three more days to go, each only some 6-7 hours long.

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