The beauty of Africa

Family life
Downtown Kampala
Crater lake
Crater lake
Idi Amin's torture chambers
Deer in the mist
The view from Lacam Lodge near Sipi Falls
The Nile
Downtown Dar es Salaam
Downtown Dar es Salaam
The view
Church of St. George
St. George
Looking in
I'm leaning against this wall
It's a kids thing
Addis skyline
Surreal landscape in western Uganda
The sky is falling
A lakeless crater
A crater lake in western Uganda
A crater lake
Mountains of the moon in western Uganda
Murchison Falls
Three boys
Hout Bay
Close to Boulders Beach
Hout Bay
The old Freetown train station
The club house at the golf course
The bridge over Nichol's brook
The Cotton Tree from Pademba road
Nichol's Brook running down below
Meanwhile, in Senegal
Streets of Banjul
Top of the morning to ya
On the surface of things
The view from the Museum of Photography in Marrakech
The ruins of Chellah, close to Rabat in Morocco
Kitty culture
La Sqala in Casablanca
The drama!
Going... up?
Sussex beach, close to Freetown, Sierra Leone
Size matters
A Zambezi sunset
The skies over Livingstone are illuminated
On the edge
In the middle
Leaving for Bongoyo at Slipway in Dar Es Salaam
Hey lady
Going out to sea
The Zanzibar straight
Kundalila falls, north of Lusaka
Close to Kundalila falls
Signal Hill
Between the walls
Doing an aeroplane
Boulders beach, close to Cape Town
High five!
The leopard
2 0 1 0
Pilanesberg, close to Pretoria
Hidden Vlei
Hidden Vlei

Even with its corruption, poverty, medieval fear of homosexuality and civil wars, sub Saharan Africa, for its that part of Africa that’s almost always what’s referred to when the descriptor ‘Africa’ is used, is, in its day-to-day affairs, a rather easy and, yes, simple part of the world to live in.
Well, almost always. As an expat, whether you find yourself in Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zimbabwe or even South Africa, one aspect of African life you will soon understand is that, seldom, it’s customary to ‘say it as it is’. People beat around the bush; say the opposite of what they mean; use euphemisms wherever possible; avoid losing face at all cost. It’s this what can easily make life in Africa so infuriating, as, as a visitor, it’s hard to know what’s really going on behind the veil.
But, not only does this almost enforce, if not just induce, a laissez-faire attitude, it also means that, with the underlying apathy, it takes very little to be successful in much of Africa:

1. Be reasonably ok in your work. Being great or good is not necessary, you only need to be ok.
2. Be reliable. That is, always deliver the same quality work, and be there when called upon.

For many westerners as well as for many of the internal African migrants, with that fanning the flames of xenophobia, this means that it’s easy to be a somewhat larger fish in one of the many very small ponds.
And, with the almost complete absence of meaningful intra-Africa cross border trade, even the big fish in one of Africa’s ponds will have a very hard time making the crossover to any of the other markets. In other words, if you make it big in one market, you can rely on being pretty comfy.

Related:  Becoming Paulista

Sure, the intentional obfuscation of the border between personal and professional life means that conducting business of any serious size can also be risky. Hence, the typical short time frames in which investors in Africa want to earn back their investment. One change of government, one official removed, one politician changing his mind, can have quick and far reaching consequences for your already risky business venture.
But, not only does this significantly hamper African growth by keeping many investors away, the personal nature of politics and business, by design, also makes it much easier to keep track of what’s really going on, ‘behind the scenes’.

As a result, much of Africa, though mostly tiresomely underdeveloped, is also notoriously easy to deal with. And, for that, for many a foreigner, a tempting place to make their home.

And the countryside sure is pretty.