Sushi, hash, quiz and Gene

Finally, I managed to crawl my way up to Best of Asia, the sushi bar in Pineslopes which serves 3 for 2 on Tuesdays. Sadly, it was only Christo who joined me, Elvis having ‘other plans’ (his girlfriend is visiting) and Tim being sick at home with Linda as his private, pregnant, nurse.
The sushi, was exceptionally excellent. And I was welcomed by the owners upon my arrival. Clearly, I somehow made an impression.

A week later, Christo and I were joined by Razia and Christian. And on both occasions, the sushi aftermath was celebrated at Elvis’. That’s what friends are for.

But the first journey to Best of Asia was long. My car, a Brian, stalled on the way there. A friendly Afrikaner towed me to a nearby garage, where some magic temporarily fixed a carburetor/choke issue.

The first hash of the new year was a busy one: No less than 5 virgins, including a ballet dancer from Chili and a belly dancer from Zimbabwe (Rouzeh).
In fact, Rouzeh clearly enjoyed herself enough to join me the following week for a short hash weekend in the field, over at Buffelspoortdam, which was only slightly disturbed by the skies opening up.

Quizzes have also started again. Not yet at the Keg in Sunninghill, but yes in the Irish Club in Linden. We came in a decent second. Well, that is, I and a mom with her two kids and a guy which reminded me of Gene Hunt.

Also, I finally met Muhammad, a 22 year old Iranian who runs the Spar as well as the liquor store around the corner. Not bad, for someone who entered the country just two years ago.

Related:  Yoga Baba

And on one more small note, as I was shopping at Checkers in Cresta Mall, a huge rat scuttled from the bakery section to the salad section. No one seemed to notice as I watched it scrambling under the counter.


In unrelated news, Mojo helpdesk have made their interface like Gmail’s and made it excellent in the process.