Semi-naked women on huge canvasses

Jodi Bieber, winner at the First International Photography Biennial in The Islamic World held in Iran, as well as a winner of several World Press Photo awards, had an opening at the Goodman tonight. The show’s called ‘Real Beauty, with a score or so larger than life prints of ‘real’ women showing off their own bodies in, mostly, semi-erotic poses.
Of course, the women are, mostly, almost completely nude.

Bieber mentions her inspiration came from a billboard she saw in London, where ‘real’ (read ‘overweight’) women were promoting underwear. Nevertheless, I couldn’t escape the feeling that I’d seen a similar show somewhere before. If not in person, then in some magazine or, perhaps, on TV.

That said, the photos are very nice, even though the quality of the prints seemed to be less than spectacular. The show was extremely well attended, while both the beer and wine flowed freely.


Meanwhile, I moved in with Stevan, an old friend from Mongolia, who I’ve bumped into semi-randomly over the years. The most surprising one being a chance encounter in Cape Town, a few years ago.

It also means that my primary method for going online is a 3G modem. At 195 Rand per gig, around 20 dollars, it’s not a very cheap solution. But the speed is reasonable and the modem, which uses a regular cellphone sim card to connect, is not sim-locked, meaning I can use it anywhere in the world.


On Saturday, I’ll be setting the hash here in Jo’burg. We’ll be running in Delta Park, on the edge of Linden and Greenside. Who’s cumming?

Related:  Down to Halong Bay


Probably the best collection of Obama pictures.