Relaxing in front of the Acropolis

We spent two days touring Athens and that is more than enough. Although Athens isn’t an unpleasant town, there’s less to see than I thought. Sure, the Acropolis was nice, although expensive.
Fortunately, the Acropolis also wasn’t as busy as I was led to believe it would be. Sure, very touristy, but you had to stay alert, taking the right steps when walking on the heads of all the tourists.

The funniest thing happened the next day, when, before leaving for Kalambaka, we visited Athens’ First Cemetery, and found a small building close to the main entrance where stacks and stacks of boxes were stored, all with skeletal remains. We found Fred sunbathing outside and took our picture.

We were heading to Greece to attend a wedding of friends in Kavala. After meeting his future wife in the UK, they had decided, after being together for 8 years, to settle in her hometown. And to get married there.

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