Social media glass-like icon set

Social media glass-like icon set

The OCD in me was starting to get annoyed with the slight inconsistencies between the individual social media icons I use on my site, so I decided to throw together my own set.

You can download and use the set yourself, click on the link below, the icons are released under a creative commons attribution license. That means you can use the icons as you want, as long as you give credit to the author, me.
The icons are available in five sizes: 256×256, 128×128, 64×64, 32×32 and 16×16 pixels. The icons are PNGs on a transparent background.

All icons were based on the original logos of the services which the icons represent. All, except the Twitter icon, which was based on work by Jon Knox.

If you want an icon added to the set, you can order it through my gig at Fiverr for the low, low price of 5 bucks. After creation of the icon, it will be added to the set.
