Inside Pilanesberg


Visiting Pilanesberg, close to Sun City, I now decided to travel the longer route to get there which, indeed, was much, much faster, even though quite confusing still.
Pilanesberg is a national park, with the big five, and is by some considered a better experience than Krugerpark. This time, it was still a bit too wet, this time of the year, meaning there’s too much water and too many watering holes. The animals can be anywhere in the 500 square kilometre park. Still, we did get the opportunity to see elephants, giraffes, rhino, hippo, wildebeest, buffalo, zebra, and more. One of the better sightings was a mere turtle, swimming along in a small lake, looking up at us, while we were looking at the turtle, sitting from a ‘hide’, a secluded, more or less hidden hut close to the watering hole the turtle was swimming in. The turtle kept straining its neck, looking straight up but swimming on. Until it bumped into one of the posts of the hut.

During the Braai, this -is- South Africa after all, we talked and at some point wondered how a blind man knows when he’s finished wiping his butt. Well, how?

Related:  Paul van Vliet in Zuid-Afrika