DDR competition

Walking into my gym, Virgin Cresta, on a quiet afternoon, all six free internet terminals were occupied by jonkies. Every single one was playing around on Facebook.

A friend of Stevan’s was throwing a party at a bar in Troyville called Belavista, on Friday. On the fourth floor and roof of a small building, the views of the city were excellent, if a bit fresh, with the Vodacom tower blinking brightly in the background. Meanwhile, on the second floor of the same building, a heavily amplified unorthodox church service was telling its constituents to raise their arms, wave and pray loudly.

The next day, celebrating 22 years of hashing in Pretoria, Boeretannie and Hanging Dick had organized an extra long run with, thankfully, a beer stop which actually had some hooch. Afterwards, some braaiing at the Pionier Museum was quite a bit of fun and I, I suppose once more, realised how much I enjoy the hash; typically, one of the few places where you can be truly yourself without anyone judging you.

Before going to the hash, I returned to Menlyn Park for a bout of DDR. It’s been a while, so I wanted to start with a few easy songs to get back into the right frame of mind and body. It being rather busy, I asked if I could join a black kid who was going to play alone. He agreed. And started with a 9 footer. Followed by another 9 footer and followed by two 10 footers. The kid didn’t manage to finish the last 10 footer, but after managing the two 9 footers and the first 10 footer, I was too dead tired to even try and attempt the last track.
Indeed, it means there’s some new competition on the block. And not only this kid. Two Japanese chicks were happily bouncing away doing 8 and 9 footers, one of them even managing 8 footer doubles.

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