Brieven aan mijn vader

Late last year, my father passed away, quite suddenly. I hadn’t seen him in 26 years and was going to see him in January of this year.
When he fell ill, I quickly changed my plans and went to Iran, where he was living. I arrived a day too late.

I spent about four weeks in the country of my birth where I was extremely well taken care of by my family.

During those four weeks and the months after, I wrote imaginary letters to my father. Combined with a bunch of photographs, these are those letters. “Brieven aan mijn vader” is Dutch for “Letters to my father”.
If there’s enough interest, I might translate them to English someday.

The reason why it has taken me so long to put these texts on-line, I think, is because by making them accessible, I also have to admit to myself that it is time to move on, which I haven’t been fully sure of until recently.

Update (February 2011): The website with the letters was converted to a downloadable PDF and moved to Scribd.

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