A baby is a comin’

Yes. It’s been a while. So what’s the story, morning glory? Well… my good friend Nico Post‘s girlfriend Julia is PREGNANT! And she’s getting twins!
Post broke the news tonight, while we were having dinner at Rukun, a Chinese/Surinamese restaurant in The Hague. To celebrate, we played some Dancing Stage, on our return to Delft. Post was cool, not letting go of his glass ‘o’ port, while dancing.


This week, I really started with my next wave of Farsi lessons. It turns out lots of my knowledge is now passive knowledge. I have to activate it. It’s a slow process, but it’s happening.

Afghanistan is still not finalized. It’ll surely happen, but I don’t have a visa, nor do I have a ticket.
I’ll leave for Amsterdam next week, where I’ll try to obtain a Afghan visa. Three month visa: 180 euros. After I get my visa, I’ll finalize my flight booking.
Tomorrow, I’ll have a (seemingly unnecessary) intake meeting at PSO, where most of the talks, most likely, will revolve around moneymoneymoney.

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