Truco 2016

Truco 2016

Amongst many other things, Agencia Publica does fact-checking of politicians’ statements during Brazil’s elections. Now, with municipal elections coming up, this is happening in five cities throughout Brazil: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Belem and Recife. 
Specifically, statements of mayoral candidates are being scrutinised.

Where, in the US, Politifact uses a ‘truth-o-meter’ to define the level of truth in politicians’ statements, Agencia Publica refers to cards in the game Truco, popular in mostly Latin countries.

This year, for each city, an illustrator provided rather gorgeous artwork, each piece representing a different type of card which can be ‘given’ to a politician’s statement.

The accompanying site, by myself, is based on WordPress, the design is original.
