
United Civilians for Peace

When flicking through an old copy of the Cosmo (which I did at the hairdresser’s, of course), I came accross an article that advertised ‘Freeflex’ a Dutch job agency for volunteers.

Having second thoughts, I checked their website and found two jobs that were ICT-related. One of them was for a company called United Civilians for Peace. They needed a new website. I liked their setup and offered to help set them up.

The site uses a custom built content management system and is built on ASP.

After doing the website, I was in the running for a while to actually be stationed (or would that be deported?) in Israel for a couple of months as an ‘observer’, through United Civilians for Peace. Unfortunately, they later changed their setup and are no longer sending observers over to keep an eye out for the world.

Related:  CE-DESD.org