
I’m lead developer at Placecloud, the home of the place-specific podcast, or, placecast (later rebranded as viewpoint).
Placecasts reveal the cultural significance of the everyday places that surround us, so that we can have a more meaningful relationship with our world.
The more unique feature of the site are ‘live tours’, where an expert, or author, narrates a virtual tour through the user of streetviews, accessible to browse by those attending the tour.
Placecloud left beta in May 2020.
Placecloud was the Dutch submission in the Culture & Tourism category for the 2021 World Summit Awards, and ended a winner. This marked the third time I won the WSA, becoming the first person to do so.
In December 2022, Placecloud decided to wind down its operations…
… and in March 2023, the founder of Placecloud passed the platform on to walk · listen · create, of which I’m one of the founders, meaning that since then, I’m now the effective Lead on Placecloud.