‘Faces of Rotterdam’

Rotterdam Roze 2001

ITpreneurs, a Rotterdam-based company I’ve done some work with in the past is now working on a rather comprehensive ‘Dutch for foreigners’ course for the city of Rotterdam. The course, targeted at ‘first generation foreigners’ of Turkish, Moroccan or Capo Verdian decent, is spread out over twenty weeks, with twenty training hours per week.

Each week is centered around a particular theme and, related to the theme of the week, students get to see four short interviews with people living or working in Rotterdam, who give their view on things, related to the current theme.
I was asked to arrange and record the interviews.

If you do the simple maths, you notice I had to do 80 interviews. I ended up doing 90 with about 45 different people. Quite a task, but a lot of fun too.

Related:  OVCsupport.net