Vierdaagse in Nijmegen

Today, it was time to go out drinking with some friends in Nijmegen. Each year, tens of thousends of people head out to Nijmegen to walk 40 to 50 kilometers, four days in a row. At the same time, people who can’t be bothered with the walk go by car and have fun during the week-long festival which is on at the same time.

After a very reasonable dinner, we headed out on the town to discover the whole city was packed with people. After comparing our new phones (we’re geeks after all), we stopped by at Malle Babbe to have a couple of beers, before getting a sandwich at some Turkish bakery close by.
We tried convincing two cute girls to share their sandwich with us, but we only partially succeeded. Nevertheless, we returned the favor and get them a sandwich of their own. Covered in chilli sauce.

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