Mugabe made from money

Back when I moved out of Zimbabwe in 2004, when inflation was already impressive, I had collected low denomination bank notes, 10, 20 and 50 zimdollars, to do something creative with.
My first idea was to create a toilet roll which, at the time, would already be cheaper made from money than actually buying a toilet roll.

The second plan I had was to make a real, physical, mosaic made out of bits of money. I managed to come up with a design and had started cutting up the individual banknotes, but I’ve basically been on the move ever since. First Afghanistan, followed by South Africa and Thailand, with a bunch of smaller trips thrown in for good measure.

Still, I couldn’t get rid of the idea of making a Mugabe out of bits of money. So, as I had scanned the notes already years ago, I figured the only way to go ahead would be to make a digital version. The original notes are either lost or buried deep in storage somewhere.

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