Condolences with a twist

I had this idea a couple of years ago, but never got round to implementing it. Maybe I will, someday, but probably I won’t. So before this disappears into the farflung corners of my mind, I might as well right it down for posterity.

I got the idea around the time these condolence websites were making a killing, if you pardon the pun. The idea was tomake a condolence website where visitors could burn a virtual candle for their dearly departed. The candle would burn for, say, a week. They then could purchase a virtual candle that would burn for a month, a year or longer.
The coolnees factor would be increased by the collection of the candles burning for one individual to be collected into a virtual mega-candle. That way, the person with the most mourners would, in effect, have the biggest candle.

Recently, I noticed a fairly new condolence website actually offering the burning of virtual candles. But they’re not being aggregated into one big candle.

Who knows, maybe I *will* find the time to create this website. Looking at the best and most popular Dutch condolence site,, this shouldn’t be that hard.

Update (13 June 2007): I stumbled upon a website with, more or less, the above setup, but simpler. It’s quite popular. Maybe i should hurry?

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