30 Days of Walking: Sound Walk September 2020

Sound Walk September 2020 is nearly upon us. SWS is the yearly festival of sound walks which I facilitate, together with Andrew Stuck (of the Museum of Walking) and Geert Vermeire (of Made of Walking), through the platform walk · listen · create.
This year, due to COVID, our received submissions and list of third-party events are somewhat limited, though, thankfully, lots of people, all over the world, are still participating.
To counter this challenge, we’re hosting a series of online events, ourselves, in September, as well as two collaborative works.
The first of these works is 30 Days of Walking, a collaboratively created sound walk in which anyone, everywhere, can participate; go for a walk, record some of it, and upload your recording. That is all.
Spin off
In November 2022, Days of Walking was spun off into its own website, allowing for easily creating new instances of the same collaborative event.
In August 2024, the website was retired, and the individual submissions were repackaged as videos in a YouTube playlist, as well as a single 14.5 hour video on Rumble.
This version was shortlisted for the Sound Walk September Awards 2024.