Ladies and gentlemen… We got ’em

Everything happened at once today. I’ve been waiting for a while to pick up a Nokia 7600 mobile phone and it arrived today so I’ll be picking that up tomorrow.

Also, I made reservations for my trip to Zimbabwe. I will be leaving, yes it really seems to be happening now, on February 26th, flying to Harare through London. If you’re in the area, stop by at Schiphol airport ;).

What’s more, I got a new digital photo camera today. Yesyesyesyes. When it was announced, I couldn’t stop salivating for days. Still, I had a hard time deciding between the Sony DSC-F828 and the Canon EOS 300D, the good thing about the Canon being it’s interchangeable lenses.
Problem with the Canon was that it’s not really available. Sure, it’s been released, but delivery time is over six weeks. The Sony, on the other hand, is readily available. Hence, I’m now the proud owner of a Sony DSC-F828. Zimbabwe, here I come.

If only they don’t send me back, arriving in Harare, thinking I might be a journalist…

Related:  The southernmost tip of Africa