Kickin’ some Orange ass

Yesterday, I spent two hours trying to get my new phone to ‘do’ mobile Internet. To no avail. Calling the Orange helpdesk didn’t help either. It turns out they’re not supporting GPRS services on this phone. Yet, possibly. So get this, I buy a new phone, explicitly ask for GPRS services in my contract and they don’t support it. They didn’t even WANT to tell how to setup my phone correctly.
You can understand I was pissed.

Today, I spent some time trying to understand more of how the phone works. I already knew, but am still surprised that all these Symbian based phones need slightly different flavors of games and applications. Rather annoying. But what’s much better is that what Orange wasn’t willing to give me, Nokia was. Nokia was so nice as to OTA (over the air) me the right settings for my lovely new phone and seconds later, I was surfin’ the web!

Meanwhile, during the day, I felt like I’d been hit by a truck, after drinking the grand total of five, yes five, beers last night. Betsy and I went for dinner at the Coco Bango restaurant.
It’s a Persian restaurant in The Hague and a good one and I have no clue where they got the name for the place. All staff tried speaking Farsi with me and I had to shamefully admit, several times, that I didn’t speak the language.

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