TVs da Amazonia

TVs da Amazônia
TVs da Amazônia
Award winner

Long-form journalism, the size of a book, turned into a multimedia experience.

Elvira Lobato, the author, recently retired after a long career at Folha de Sao Paulo, perhaps Brazil’s leading newspaper. The project holds the middle between an investigative piece and a travel story; Elvira investigating ownership of TV stations in the Brazilian Amazon, where, it turns out, a large part of the TV stations are owned by politicians, yet the overall work mentality is decidedly amateurish, while often balancing on the edge of what can be considered ethical.

The project, completely in Portuguese, was published by Agencia Publica.

TVs da Amazonia received an honourable mention at the 38º Prêmio Jornalístico Vladimir Herzog de Anistia e Direitos Humanos, in 2016.
